I think I might be able to call myself a bestselling author.

Children’s chart after first week of sales (from The Bookseller)
The Girl of Ink & Stars came out less than three weeks ago, but for two weeks on the trot it’s been the bestselling children’s book at Waterstones, a bestseller at Blackwells, and in the top twenty in its category on Amazon! Not only that, it’s currently the third-bestselling children’s book in the country, and the thirtieth bestselling book overall.
None of this would be possible without the amazing booksellers who are making beautiful displays of my work, the reviewers giving it coverage in the press, or my friends and family who are buying it in the dozens! So many brilliant books don’t get the attention they deserve, and I’m very aware of how lucky I am that GOI&S is getting this support.
Chicken House have made a rather exciting Pinterest board of all the displays – to see it click here.